Thursday, January 8, 2009

Icewine Harvest 2008

We hope you enjoy this new blog from us at Erie Shore Vineyard. We hope to post updates on what's happening in the vineyard and the winery.

We finished our Icewine harvest right before Christmas 2008. It was on the two coldest days of December, and we were fortunate to have twelve who helped harvest our Cabernet icewine crop.
The temperature was on average -13 C (8.6F) and even colder with the good windchill. The Cabernet 2008 is of beautiful quality, and we can’t wait to release it when it’s ready.
Pictured are the 2008 Cabernet Ice wine grapes, immediately before picking. The nets in the background are required only to attempt to control bird damage. This variety must be snipped to harvest.
As a note, the weather was cold enough that we could pick during the day. The grapes can thaw on one side by the sun if it’s below –10 C (14F) . For this reason we most often harvest at night.

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Erie Shore Vineyard

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Harrow, Ontario, Canada
Family owned vineyard, award winning winery and wine shoppe.

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