Friday, February 20, 2009

Looking Forward to a Great Wine Festival!

We are ready to go! The newest Wine and Food Festival in the area will open to the public today at 5pm. It promises to be a great time.

This festival, like many of the successful festivals of this area, boasts a great musical entertainment lineup, along with fabulous cuisine and of course wine.
The Festival is being held at the Windsor Expo Centre. The Centre provides Ample Free Parking immediately to the East of the building entrance off St. Luke St. This is off Seminole (at Walker Rd). We are told that additional parking will be made available off of Walker Road and to south of the Centre if necessary. There is also street parking to the East of main parking lot.

Erie Shore's booth is to the left as you enter the turnstyles of the main entrance of the Centre, and toward the stage. You can't miss it. We will have all three new red wines, three white wines, and both Summer Sun and Sellar Secret available.
There will be non-alcoholic beverage available as well in the T2B booth just south of us toward the stage. 100% of the proceeds of this booth will go to T2B.

We're excited about this festival, and its potential for a February Festival for the area. We think this area and this facility have great potential for the future.

Hope to see you soon! H&A

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Erie Shore Vineyard

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Harrow, Ontario, Canada
Family owned vineyard, award winning winery and wine shoppe.

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