Saturday, March 7, 2009

Surely Spring is Here…

We started pruning our Baco Noir this week. Normally when we start pruning it is quite cold with little sign of birds. This past week though , we noticed a number of birds. The Canada Geese were flying in formation North as were the elegant and pure white Trumpetor Swans. While these birds are great to watch, a sure sign of spring is when the red-winged black birds return to the creek that runs between our two vineyard blocks. The red-winged black birds are our early migratory birds and also resident birds. These particular birds are also beneficial to us as they eat many insects that could be pests to our grapes. We are pleased that they were back this week.
While these birds are familar to us here at the Lake Erie Shore and just inland, a great many birds migrate through this area via Holiday Beach and Point Pelee. Holiday Beach is only 5 miles west of us here at Erie Shore, and Point Pelee National Park only 21 miles east of us. These areas see many more birds than we do here and has been recogniced by Birder’s World Magazine as one of the “top 15 birding spots in North America” has also been dubbed the “Warbler Capital of Canada” .
If anyone has interest in following the bird migration, The Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park welcome “birders” each spring to experience the avian migration phenomenon from Canada’s southernmost mainland. They offer to teach birding techniques and identification as well as interesting facts about the park. Anyone can take a guided bird hike, but registering for guided bird hikes at 8:30am, 1:00pm or the evening twilight hikes at the DeLaurier Homestead is recommended. Birders could also register online or by phone 888-707-3533 or 519 326-6173. There are maximum numbers for each hike, so advanced registration is recommended.

Also of note is the:

FESTIVAL OF BIRDS 2009 –May 2nd-18th, 2009, Point Pelee National Park of Canada

and the: Festival of Hawks this fall at Holiday Beach Conservation Area (5 Miles West of Erie Shore Vineyard) September 12th through September 26th from 9am to 3pm. See their Website: ERCA: Calendar of Events

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Erie Shore Vineyard

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Harrow, Ontario, Canada
Family owned vineyard, award winning winery and wine shoppe.

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