Wednesday, July 15, 2009

15th Annual SWOVA (Southwestern Ontario Vintners Association) Vintage Tasting

The Southwestern Ontario Vintners Association and Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery are proud to announce the 15th Annual Vintage Tasting to be held on August 9th 2009 from 1-5pm. This event rotates to a different winery each year and this year it will be held at Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery. Sprucewood Shores is our nearest winery neighbour to our west and they will be hosting winemakers from all around the region to showcase and pour you their best vintage wines, along with providing unlimited delicious food and entertainment.

This highly anticipated event always sells out so please visit, call or email us to purchase your tickets soon. 519-738-9858 or Please let us know if you'd like to reserve your tickets.

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Erie Shore Vineyard

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Harrow, Ontario, Canada
Family owned vineyard, award winning winery and wine shoppe.

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